India’s coming oil drought will dwarf China’s shortfall

By hellenicshippingnews Watching the development of India, there's often an assumption the country will follow China's path. For commodity exports, China “is not the only game in town,” Australia's resources minister Josh Frydenberg said in a speech last month, citing forecasts of India's burgeoning demand for power, steel, and coal. Here's one area where the […]

Published March 9, 2016

By LizOutLoud

By hellenicshippingnews Watching the development of India, there's often an assumption the country will follow China's path. For commodity exports, China “is not the only game in town,” Australia's resources minister Josh Frydenberg said in a speech last month, citing forecasts of India's burgeoning demand for power, steel, and coal. Here's one area where the two countries ... Read full story ›

Source:: Hellenic shipping news Oil


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