Oil crash could kill Exxon’s perfect AAA rating

By hellenicshippingnews Only three American companies can brag of a higher credit rating than the United States government: ExxonMobil, Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson. Soon that elite group could shrink to just two. Standard & Poor's threatened on Tuesday to strip Exxon (XOM) of its perfect AAA credit rating. The ratings company placed Exxon on […]

Published February 5, 2016

By LizOutLoud

By hellenicshippingnews Only three American companies can brag of a higher credit rating than the United States government: ExxonMobil, Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson. Soon that elite group could shrink to just two. Standard & Poor's threatened on Tuesday to strip Exxon (XOM) of its perfect AAA credit rating. The ratings company placed Exxon on a negative ... Read full story ›

Source:: Hellenic shipping news Oil


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