Oil slump heaps pressure on currencies
Rash of devaluations turns spotlight on Nigeria and the Gulf Read full story ›
Source:: FT.com Oil and Gas
Rash of devaluations turns spotlight on Nigeria and the Gulf Read full story ›
Source:: FT.com Oil and Gas
LONDON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The price of oil options is soaring amid increasing uncertainty about the outlook for prices and indicating a mismatch between strong demand from hedge funds and caution among option sellers.
Source:: Reuters UK Natural Resources
Oil price Falls of 89c and 1.44 on the week for WTI and Brent respectively seem like quite a result at times it felt much worse. The reality is indeed worse at least for the time being and this mo
Source:: Oil Voice
So far this year nearly forty North American EP companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with expectations of more to follow. Falling oil prices have forced many debt laden shale operators to r
Source:: Oil Voice