OPEC officials set for flurry of meetings to nail down Algeria deal

By hellenicshippingnews The chain of meetings, starting with ministers in Istanbul next week, signal that unlike in the first half of 2016, the exporting group is more serious now about managing the global supply glut and propping up prices. First up, OPEC energy ministers will be meeting each other and Russian officials for informal talks […]

Published October 11, 2016

By LizOutLoud

By hellenicshippingnews The chain of meetings, starting with ministers in Istanbul next week, signal that unlike in the first half of 2016, the exporting group is more serious now about managing the global supply glut and propping up prices. First up, OPEC energy ministers will be meeting each other and Russian officials for informal talks on oil ... Read full story ›

Source:: Hellenic shipping news Oil


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