Is It Time To Short Oil?

By hellenicshippingnews Today, OPEC agreed that its members must consider capping oil production in late November at the regularly scheduled OPEC meeting. Now may be a good time for investors to consider shorting oil. The media is announcing this as an “agreement” or “understanding” on an oil freeze. This is not true. It is an […]

Published September 30, 2016

By LizOutLoud

By hellenicshippingnews Today, OPEC agreed that its members must consider capping oil production in late November at the regularly scheduled OPEC meeting. Now may be a good time for investors to consider shorting oil. The media is announcing this as an “agreement” or “understanding” on an oil freeze. This is not true. It is an agreement or ... Read full story ›

Source:: Hellenic shipping news Oil


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